For now, let’s take a quick look at both lighting designs and perfectly tailored furniture pieces to introduce the wow factor in any ambiance. Furniture is an industrial or craft-based design to support human activities and helps establish a pleasing sense of order engaging two and three-dimensional design to the arrangement. The principles of design are applied to furniture, too.Furniture
For instance, pieces are arranged by size, scale, and proportion; rhythm is employed by repeating furniture, unity by harmonizing furniture with other spatial features like a fireplace, or emphasis by using a furniture grouping as a focal point. Balance becomes the primary consideration in arranging furniture because it affects the sense of equilibrium in a space. In furniture selection, the users and activities are considered first. The primary focus should be on the purpose of the furniture, the need for adjustability, flexibility, finish requirements, durability, and size. Emotional, social, or cultural values should be accommodated, too.
MoodboardOne thing that shouldn’t be missed out is picking up the articles that complement our design concept. Those make a vital part of the concept (mood) board where the room design is visually presented to the client. Mood boards are a collection of assets and patterns that eventually evolve into a style guide. They exist as a tactile and visual sandbox, a place where we can openly experiment with the different facets of a design.